A Path to Balance

Start Your Journey To A Healthy Gut And Feeling Better

What is Self-Care to you?

  • Massage?
  • Manicure & Pedicure?
  • Buying new clothes?
  • A night out with friends……

These all feel good and however, they are passive pursuits. Now that you are grounded at home, they are no longer available to you.  Now, what action are you taking to make yourself feel great?

What is self-care?

The concept of self-care is one you hear about more and more these days, but many people are confused by what it actually means. What is self-care? And what are some self-care activities that you can use to ensure you are taking care of your mind, body and soul?

Think about the safety speech you hear every time you’re on a plane. If you’re traveling with other people who might need your help in case of an emergency, the flight attendants tell you to be sure to secure your own oxygen mask before tending to those in your care. Why? Because if you try to help others without ensuring your own safety first, you might pass out.

The same logic can be applied to your everyday life. Have you invested in taking care of yourself? Many people shy away from the term “self-care” because they assume the notion is founded on ideas of selfishness or a lack of caring about others. On the contrary, self-care is essential to your lives. When you’re able to care for yourself physically, emotionally and mentally, you become better able to pursue your goals and enrich the lives of the people around you.

When self-care is in action, the spirit of health blossoms and you feel good and filled with love. It supports the body’s natural processes and these processes help us find our balance, because your fundamentally amazing bodies can be supported by using the simplest yet most profound methods. Healthy living is not always avoiding and denying but actively engaging in right choices. This spirit of health builds the immune system, acting as a powerful shield from the blues and viruses.

The rhythms you create for yourselves goes a long way toward determining how happy or unhappy, and how vital or how depleted you feel. The way in which you focus your mental energies and choose the simple things in life can have a huge impact on your health. Whenever you connect your heart to your rhythms, you make wise choices based on finding balance.